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Monday, February 20, 2012

Fear of having no mobile phone

One magnificent fruit of our growing technology is the mobile phone. We saw how the mobile phones evolved through the years. And we saw how the people has been affected of the undying development of mobile phones.

Mobile phones has been a part of our life since we acquired our very first mobile phone. As time pass we did not noticed that our life has been changed by our mobile phone. Before you ever had a mobile phone what are your daily routines and compare it in the time that you have your mobile phone. A lot has been change, like the communication is far more satisfying than before and look what other features that new mobile phones have.
When your riding on a bus you can't help but play the games in your mobile phone or browse the web using your phone. It's amazing how our life has been change by our mobile phone.

But did you ever imagine that one morning you woke up and you don;t have a mobile phone. How can you call your friends and families without your mobile phone and how can you be updated about whats happening around the world or how can you continue playing your favorite game if you don't have your phone and one thing how can you wake up early when you are using your mobile phone as your alarm clock.

You will feel uneasy, you can't think normally, your daily routines is ruined and you might think that you've lost everything just because you don't have your mobile phone. When you feel all of these when you don't have your mobile phone your a nomophobic.

Nomophobia is the fear of having no mobile phone. While studying nomophobia they found that nearly 53% of mobile phone users in Britain tend to be anxious when they "lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage.The study also found that about 58% of men and 48% of women suffer from the phobia, and an additional of 9% feel stressed when their mobile phones are off.

However, arguable that the word phobia is misused and that in the majority of cases it is only a normal anxiety.

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