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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Concrete Trail

The weather is gradually changing, the cold breeze every morning is now decreasing and the riders can feel the warm breeze coming in. And this is a great time for the riders to have their weekly ride.

The route for this ride is not new to the riders for the first ride that they did was this route and they all know what this route can give them.

The riders met at the place where they all met for their very first ride before. It is fun to be back on that place.

After all the riders arrived they mounted their bikes and went on to face the road to their destination.
In this route there are no off-road trail for them to tackle and there are also no uphill or downhill trail.
So what is in this route that the other riders are afraid of?

The route has sidewalks, roundabout, intersections, traffic lights, and moving vehicles.
For a mountain biker it is not the ideal route to go for a ride. You must take extra care in riding this kind of route. Be ready to jump up the sidewalk when the road is to narrow for you ride.

Be cautious when you will cross the roundabout, ride fast if you have to and ride slowly when you need to.

Look left and right before crossing the intersections, don't cross unless the coast is clear.

When its red stop, when it's green then go. Follow the traffic lights to have a safe crossing.

Don't be too relax while riding in the streets with moving vehicles always be defensive for we know what can happen when a mountain biker went face to face with a moving vehicle.

With these things, do you think it is not possible to have a safe ride in this kind of route?

All bike trails and routes have their own characteristics, some will have smooth ride and some will be difficult to ride. But for a mountain biker you must learn to adjust for whatever trail or route that you will encounter in your ride. If you need to be extra carefull while riding then do so. Don't blame the route for whatever unlikely things happend to you in your ride.

A safe and fun ride is what every bikers want.

When the riders reached their destination, once again they felt the cool breeze of the sea, and they saw the calm waters of the sea where some are fishing with their friends and families. And these things made the riders ride an enjoyable one. And one more thing the people who saw them showed their appreciation and that gave a boost to the morale of the bikers .

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